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Old 04-08-2005, 12:55 PM  
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OK settled down now!! Man I didn’t know what to do with the little guys.. Anyway I called a person who rehabilitates wild animals and found out that squirrels usually have two nests incase one gets destroyed or something. She also said there is a chance the mother might take them back but if she doesn’t in a couple hours that she will take the babies and rehabilitate them.

Apparently they are illegal to keep in the state of Connecticut which sucks because I was hoping to rehabilitate them myself but I think this is a better way.

So I took the cats in, and put the babies out in a box with their nesting material, and a warm bottle, because I guess that mother wont take them back of they are cold. So if I don’t see them missing then my husband and I will be driving them to this ladies house.

Probably for the best, soon I'll me dealing with baby gerbils anyway.
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