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Old 03-06-2011, 05:48 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Default the hamster in his will.

When people die, they make a will to their homes and everything they have to leave those they love.

But not only me, but my animals have made such a testament. Since they can not write, I give it back proxy:

I want it to happen like this:
A poor, wistful and lonely hamster
I would leave my happy home,
my cup, my cozy little house,
my soft hay, my goodies,
and my beloved wheel.
But the gentle caressing hands of my owners,
the loving voices
the place I had in their hearts,
the love that I finally,
help to a peaceful and painless end,
held in loving arms.

When I die, then do not say please:
"Never again will I have a pet, the loss does hurt too much!"

Addiction to you from a lonely and unloved Hamsterchen, and give him my seat. Please!
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