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Old 03-01-2011, 04:51 PM  
Newborn Pup
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Location: South Wales, UK
Posts: 44
Default Re: Infection :( (Maybe a sensitive image)

Pus did come out at the vet's. There wasn't much and it was cleaned up very nicely. I think I might keep them seperate perminently, or put them together for a day and see what happens (close observation). I'm not sure how old he is. He was given to me and I've not really been in contact with the person I got them from (they weren't properly cared for). The vet said his eye and nose are fine. He's walking fine and he's not acting any different to before at all. I was told to give it in the water. I gave it to him about 5 hours ago and the water's almost completely gone (I know he's diabetic so he drinks a lot. He's on a controlled diet for it).

It's looking a lot better already and he's having a nap at the moment but he's been up on the wheel, eating and drinking so I don't think he's in any distress. I'll be taking a photo everyday to moniter progress (I have a very short memory, I document everything haha), which I'll probably put in this post.

I was told if it's not at least healed in a week (that's how much anti-biotics I've been given) I'm to go back to the vet. I think also it's not as bad as it looks in the photo because the photo is very close-up using flash.

I'm keeping optimistic and babying little Scott.
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