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Old 02-22-2011, 04:26 PM  
Little Miss Tinytoes
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Default Re: Your Food Mix/Treats

wow you all feed yoru hams so well!!

ill get pictures when my cameras charged but everyday my hams (in foodbowl) get about 2 teaspoons harry hamster, 1 teaspoon wild bird seed, some rice (uncooked), a few bits of plain cereals, monkey nuts or sometimes a few added peanuts, and some crackers. i'm also going to add some p@h museli and some oats of some sort

Treats... uh usually fresh fruit and veg, also dried fruit/veg too as a treat Pasta if there's leftovers, and ocasionally cooked rice. They also get a tiny bit of yoghurt sometimes To chew on, sometimes they get a dog bonio or a big treat for their teeth

I'm not particularly organised lol the veg and rice etc is in the kitchen, and their main food is in some boxes upstairs


Got a pic of their main food

in the quality street tin, theres the rice, in the roses tin, the cereals, and in the hexagon biscuit box, some weetabix which they rarely get tbh :P Just sits there In the Mr Men tall cylinder container theres the monkey nuts, and in the clear circular box to the right, theres the harry hamster. in the big box to the right of the harry hamster there's the bird feed. The orange packet infront of the monkey nuts are just some dried fruit which they sometimes get, and next to that are some pine nuts and a plain cracker bad explaining... lol :Px
I really ought to stir it all up lol but it would be one oversised box!!

Last edited by mangoandmimi; 02-22-2011 at 04:38 PM.
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