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Old 02-14-2011, 01:58 AM  
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Default Re: My male hamster can't make it

Cady - the 4th day does not mean the 4th day of the week.

If you do really want to breed them please do alot of research - you can do this by asking on this forum and i found the Hamterlopaedia very helpful - this gives u a veryg ood idea about which patterns should NOT be bred with each other.

Have you found homes for the baby hamsters yet? as you will need a lot of planning ahead if you breed them. What happeneds if you can not rehome all the babies? you will need to keep these - so do you have the money, cages, time etc.

Breeding is not something to dive in to and you really need to do your research.

I do not want the above to sound nasty, Just trying to get you to research before you do it as its not as simple as you think.
- All Over the bridge now! RIP
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