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Old 07-08-2007, 05:44 AM  
Christine Yule
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 224

I have had many diabetic Dwarves and have one diabetic female now. If you haven't all ready, you should go to the following site to learn how to treat your diabetic ham.

Diabetic hams need more than just sugar free food to manage their diabetes. If your hamsters are drinking huge amounts of water then they need urgent care. They will likely die in a few weeks if their sugar is not brought under control immediately.

But, don't despair. It is easier than it sounds. I make fenugreek tea with a wee bit of salt and that is the only "water" given to my diabetics. I can give you my recipe. I also have a recipe for a seed mix that contains sugar free foods but also foods that are low glycemic and are known to lower blood sugar levels. I can also give it to you, if you want.

I have had a couple of diabetics that would not respond to diet and fenugreek. There was nothing I could do for them. But, the majority have responded and I have been able to stabalize their blood sugar and they have lived long healthy lives.

Let me know if you would like my recipes. I have to run off now.

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