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Old 05-14-2007, 02:25 PM  
Christine Yule
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 224

Originally Posted by lola's mommy
hi! i wanted to know if any of you have heard about a treat for hamsters which is peanut butter spread on a saran wrap w/ raisins and seeds on top... if i'm wrong please let me know because i'm sure i read about it but can't remember the exact way to do it.
The "spreading on saran wrap" sounds like a bad idea to me. I would be paranoid that the hamster would stuff it in his cheek and end up eating the plastic saran wrap!!!

Peanut butter is very rich and actually quite hard for them to swallow. They smack their jaws up and down and kind of make gagging motions. Also, the sugary peanut butter will stick in the tiny teeth on the roof of their mouths and might cause tooth decay. My hamsters get an unsalted peanut now and again and they love them.

Hamsters will eat almost anything but try to choose foods that are "natural", not processed. For example, a whole peanut is better than peanut butter; dry or cooked oatmeal is better than an oatmeal cookie.

The "hamster cookie recipes" posted here are very healthy and are great treats for them.

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