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Old 03-22-2007, 09:00 AM  
souffle's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Yorkshire, UK but my heart lies in Scotland!
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Sugar gliders require a huge amount of social interaction between their 'human' family and animals of their own species. I have been researching them and if they do not get sufficient they become depressed and simply die. They sometimes even require carrying around in a pouch to keep them from becoming depressed. I hope you have time to attend to his needs and give him care for life (they can live to 20yrs) as this is a major commitment. Sugar gliders are marsupials and spend much of their time in the trees in family groups in the wild. They are omniverous and feed on both plants including nectar (hence the sugar!) and small insects and even small rodents. The bigger the cage the better so they can use their natural climbing and gliding skills. Do not let him suffer when the novelty wears off. He is too beautiful for that and deserves a long and happy life.
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