Thread: Wodent Wheels
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Old 03-13-2007, 01:26 PM  
Jill Bayles
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 228

Originally Posted by Holly
Originally Posted by Jill Bayles
Will they attach to the apperture in the Rex do you think? Or will it have to be free-standing?
Wodent Wheels have to free stand as the stand is an integral part of the wheel. I actually have a Gabber Rex set up and ready (as we are expecting new arrivals after Lymm on Sunday ) and have tried the WW Junioir in various places in the cage. It sits very nicely with the stand in the alcove - the wheel protrudes a bit further forward than a wheel actually attached onto the groove would - and the back of the stand can be clothes pegged to one of the slits in the Rex shelf to prevent it moving about.

I'm not sure where the Senior would go, Jill - as I understand it they are 11 and a half inches across plus half inch for the stand on the height measurement as opposed to 8 and half inches across plus half inch for the stand on the Junior. All of our hammies run comfortably (ie with flat backs) on the Juniors even Mocha who is quite a bit larger than the other two. Unfortunately I don't have a Senior to show you at the show but you'll get a good idea of how much space will be needed when you see the Junior.
I missed all this before Lymm...yikes! Well now Holly you saw Hammy there so do you think that the Junior would be ok for him?
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