Thread: Taming
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Old 02-14-2007, 03:28 PM  
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Originally Posted by souffle
Animals can sense very strongly the way you feel ....
I'm certainly no expert but I've read that, when we are nervous and scared, our hands sweat and give off a particular scent that hamsters recognise - this scent makes them cross and can make hamsters more aggressive than they would be with someone who isn't nervous.

This certainly tallies with my experience so far - my son was not at all nervous of handling and all of our hamsters responded so much better to him initially, whereas I was a bit of a sweaty palmed bag of nerves and the hammies all preferred to go to Will! (I'm over it now, though he's still better than me ). It also explains why hamster experts are often able to tame the supposedly *un-tameable* hamster very quickly.

Good luck, like Souffle says you can do it, just take a deep breath and go right back to basics - Summer will love you for it.
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