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Old 01-30-2007, 04:38 PM  
Christine Yule
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 224

Does anyone have any tips for getting good hamster pictures - it seems impossibly difficult to me?

I know what you mean! All the suggestions given are great and I just wanted to add that you should plan to take lots of pictures. Digital cameras a slow since they have to focus first and then fire the flash. It is usually only a second or so but it is the difference between getting a cute face picture and a "see you later" butt shot!

I just charge up my battery and just snap away as fast as the flash can recharge. Don't wait for a cute shot because you will miss it! Out of about 20 photos there is usually one that is good. Really good photos are one in a hundred or more! I like the suggestion of the window sill by using natural light. Then you won't have to wait for your flash. I have one hamster, Georgie, who hates the flash and he blinks EVERYTIME I take his picture so every one has his eyes closed! Natural light is the only way I can get any shots of him with his eyes open!

I recommend to everyone who has a camera to take lots of pictures of their hammies while they can. They have such short lives that they can be gone before we know it. Then a photo is all we'll have! I take videos of mine too, and then I burn them onto a DVD. Watching the DVD is boring entertainment for everyone else but I love to watch them!

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