Thread: Cleaning tanks
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Old 03-25-2005, 08:49 PM  
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I have a 29 gallon for my two Roborovskis, I tell you it's pretty awkward, even with just a inch of bedding, it's still hard to handle since its pretty heavy! What I do it get it on the floor first, then I scoop out most the bedding with my hands, vacuum out the rest, and then wipe down the bottom and sides if needed.

I don’t have a ton of room for bin cages, and I already have two of them. The only reason the Roborovskis are in the tank is because it looks nicer on my dresser, and doesn’t take up a huge amount of space. If I did have the room however they would also be in a bin cage.

I highly recommend a bin cage if you can. I know they are large but they are much, much, more lighter then a 20 gallon tank, and since they have handles they are easy to handle and maneouver. Plus it’s easier to tip the bins into a garbage bag for cleaning out old cage bedding.

I don't find the bins retain any smells. Just make sure it's cleaned out regularly, and washed when needed.
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