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Old 01-24-2007, 11:35 AM  
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Default Gerbil with a SGT :(

One of my female gerbils who lives in a clan of four has developed what looks like a scent gland tumor. Ive been doing some research and am convinced that is what it is. I noticed this some time ago and have been monitoring it closely.

When I first noticed it, it looked very similar to an outward belly button. But it was a normal fleshly color and didn't appear to be oozing or anything like that. It also never seemed to bother her. Over this past week I discovered that its really gotten much bigger, though it doesn't seem to phase her at all still.

from what I have read the tumors don't seem to physically bother the gerbil to much until it gets to large, or oozes or rubs against things in the cage. Its suppose to be common on older gerbils, but mostly males. It seems as though once the SGT gets large enough that is when a vet surgically removes it.

Besides the STG she otherwise looks healthy, active bright eyes, good apatite and so on. The other gerbils don't pick on her or anything either, which is good.

I called a few places to see what their visitation prices were and decided on one near home. Its was the more expensive of the few I called. The visitation price is $48.00, but I've been there before with an ill hamster and veterinarian was wonderful. Id rather pay a bit extra with a vet I feel good with. Plus I like that the office is close to my home.

They weren't able to give me an estimate price based on the removal of the SGT, which is understandable since cases vary from patient to patient. So once I raise enough cash for the vet visit Ill be taking her in. From there Ill have to see what I'm going to do for treatment, how much it will cost and how to get the money etc.
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