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Old 01-20-2007, 08:10 AM  
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I'm so sorry to hear about Macy *hugs* Its always heartbreaking when they pass. Its a shame they live such short lives and are so delicate. At least you can take comfort in knowing that you and your family did all you could do for her and she lived a loving and comfortable life with you. Don't blame yourself for not picking up on her decline, they are masters at hiding illness from us! I would have thought the same thing if I had noticed she was still eating treats like a normal ham might.

Your friend Jennifer is a doll for helping out She sounds like a great friend. I'm glad that Macy appeared to have a peaceful passing. I feel bad for mentioning her on the front page as the featured profile, I didn't know she was ill. If you would like I could remove the bit about Macy so you wont have to be reminded of your loss?

*many supportive hugs*
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