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Old 12-30-2006, 01:38 PM  
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Default Hamstery advertisement feature now free on HC!

I have decided to make the Hamstery advertisement feature free on hamster central in an effort to bring more traffic to the website, as well as to create a better resource for good breeders and hamster rescue organizations.

For those who wish to advertise their hamstery on the Hamster Central website, we offer free hamstery advertisements. All you have to do to sign up is register on Hamster Central and then contact the administrator (me) to enable your hamstery options. ( I have to add this manually to each account)

By using this feature you will get a personalized hamstery ad that will show both in your user profile and in our hamstery/breeder list on the classifieds page. In addition, you will be able to post classified ads under the "Hamster for sale by breeders" category. You could use this for advertising individual litters as they become available, retired hams, or perhaps post want ads for specific hamsters from other breeders.

When you register as a hamstery, your profile will also receive a new option to change and edit your hamstery advertisement. You can upload your hamstery banner if you have one and write a detailed description about your breeding services.

Please Note: While this feature is available to everyone I will not grant the privilege to just anyone. I don't not want amature breeders to take advantage of this who are not breeding for the right reasons. This is for legitimated hamsteries with responsible keepers.

I may ask for proof of creditability to be sure you are fit enough for this special add on.

Please contact me with any questions you may have
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