View Full Version : Personalities in hamster breeds?

06-13-2006, 07:05 AM
Has anyone ever noticed that syrians seem too be a bit more friendly than most dwarfs? Well I have a winter white and a campbell and a robo but they hate bbeing held... They dont bite but they dont seem to want to be out and about with you as much as syrians... Anyone notice this? LOL

06-13-2006, 12:47 PM
I own a Syrian hamster and a robo hamster. I do find that the dwarfs are harder to handle and prefer to be left alone. But with my experiences in handling Syrians, they have all been tolerant and fairly docile. However I can’t say I feel that I think Syrians or dwarfs have more personality then the others, all breed have lots of personality in my opinion. My robo ham Pichu is a blast to watch while he’s up and about. :)

06-14-2006, 01:01 AM
I too have kept both and also find Syrians more docile on the whole. Maybe it is because they are bigger and easier to handle. I especially have a soft spot for male Syrians as my males have always been the friendliest and had the most character of all. Not to say I don't love my girlies of course but the boys just click with me!

06-14-2006, 12:15 PM
I have owned 4 hamster breeds; Syrian, Campbells, Winter Whites and Roborovski and I loved Winter Whites and Syrians, most of all.

06-14-2006, 03:25 PM
Well I clicked with my boy too! He snuugles with me at night and occasionaly falls asleep under the covers or on my pillow! I'm sad none of his babies have survived being he's so sweet and huge for a Syrian.... I love all hamsters but my Syrians seem to be so bouncy and fufilling to watch! My 2 dwarfs (Winter White) are so lazy and my Roborovski is toooo hyper lol! :P

07-07-2006, 01:57 PM
I guess that I am not really being fair as the only type of hamster I've ever owned is a Syrian and the only hamsters my friends have ever owned are Syrians but I love them, they're all cute, great personalities (most of them) I love the other types too though of course :)