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View Full Version : My Little Joys from Years Ago - RIP

04-17-2010, 04:16 PM
Even though some of my hamsters and other animals have been gone for years, I think they deserve a tribute towards them and the time I spent with them. I feel like I need to tell you all what incredible animals they were and how much of an impact they had on my life. The list may be long of my pets which have passed but I love them so much...

You were my first hamster, and I don't have many memories of you. I took you to Pet Day at school when I was 5, and I remember telling off the teacher for taking off the roof of your house to wake you. I may of not known you well, but I protected you when I thought you might come to harm. You were a beautiful hamster, with the longest skirt I had ever seen! The cat tried to get to you a few times, but you always managed to save yourself. I remember waking up to find you had died from a stroke, but you lived a long lovely life, and I hope you are having a lovely time at the bridge, for the 10 long years that you have been there. RIP Godfrey.

Mr Miranda
What a strange name you had, changed after your death when I found out you were a boy! Santa Claus brought you to me, and I know I never really tamed you, but I was only young and was scared when you bit me. I am so sorry for not being the best mummy but I wasn't sure how. I remember when you got Wet Tail, and how your death was so peaceful in the vets hands...RIP.

An absolutely beautiful hamster. Your fur was such a rich golden and I never wanted to stop cuddling you. It broke my heart when I returned back from the zoo and I looked in your cage...you could barely breathe. The vet tried to save you, but your little body couldn't handle it. Play well at the bridge beautiful x

You were the most fantastic cat that I have ever met in my entire life. You were known for how large you were, and I remember the long cuddles we used to have, and the way you drooled as you purred with happiness. You had such a large appetite, but such a loving heart. I remember when Ayla died, and we got Precious...you looked after her in Ayla's place. You protected her, and I thank you for that. You went through such tough times, your brother Frodo went missing, and you were shot by disgusting vandals, but survived. After many years you passed, and I hope you are happy where you are now. Rest in Peace FatCat <3

You were a beautiful cat, you knew what you wanted and you got it. You taught me how not to annoy you, I learnt by the many scratches on my hands ;). I never got close to you, but you were just an independant animal. You went missing days before your death. I made posters and looked everywhere for you. Eventually you came back, you wanted to say goodbye to us. I will never forget you, beautiful

I have left Sausage until last, as he has had such a long story. He was constantly ill, but not to the point of being terminally ill. His vet bills amounted to so much, people wondered why we bothered helping him. We heard people say "It's just a hamster, why bother?" We bothered. He was our pet, and upon agreeing to get an animal, they become part of the family and are cared for the way a family member should be. He had to have eye drops, injections and tablets, and he was so well behaved throughout his short life. He knew we were trying to help him and was always nice to us even if we had to give him something unpleasant. He was an incredible hamster and I will never forget his bravery. Rest in Peace my lovely <3

Sorry that this was long, but I have never really written anything about them all before, rest in peace x

04-18-2010, 12:30 AM
This is all beautiful. You have had alot of pets!

04-18-2010, 02:42 AM
It is nice you gave them a tribute they deserved. Its important to say a proper good bye. I am sure you were a great owner to them, and its so nice of you to take care of Sausage like that! RIP

04-18-2010, 07:24 AM
its great to remember them even after so long!
I regret how my first hamster was treated also but i will never regret getting them :)
My blessing to all of them xxx

04-18-2010, 09:51 AM
Thats so lovely Tish, all your animals sound lovely. I especially like the Lord of the Rings naming theme :-)

04-18-2010, 10:35 AM
Thats so lovely Tish, all your animals sound lovely. I especially like the Lord of the Rings naming theme :-)

That was my parents obsession at the time of naming ;)

Thanks all :)