View Full Version : biting :-(

12-03-2005, 04:15 PM
my friends got me a Syrian for my 19th birthday... Only problem is she just doesn't seem to like me. I've tried what all the leaflets said, offering her food on my hand and what not, talking to her softly. but whenever I put my hand down to give her food or let her sniff me, she tries to bite me as if I'm food. Even if I've washed my hands of all food smells. if I'm picking her up to put her in her call to clean the cage all she does is try turn round to bite me, and sometimes if she does get her teeth in me, she doesn't let go. She even will reach out to hold my finger then open her mouth to try bite me, which is a good thing cause it lets me know she's going try.

But she just seems to be getting worse and even if I move my hand close to her she starts to open her mouth and try move towards me to bite me, even if I'm just taking the lid off the cage to put food in, she'll climb up and try get to my hand to bite me.

12-03-2005, 04:31 PM
from what you are saying she bites mostly when she is in her cage and you are trying to get her out? If that is the case try using something to get her out the cage like a ladle or even tempt her into a toilet tube or ball. It could just be cage aggression, as hamsters are territorial, and she may behave herself if you just remove the stage of taking her out the cage with your hands

All I can really suggest other than that is patience. If you are letting her run from one hand to the other and she bites you, do you put her straight back in the cage? If you do, then she may have associated biting with going home and getting her way. I had a moody Campbell's like that. Unfortunately, all you can do is put up with a few bites in order to make them realise that if they bite they don't get to go home.

Routine can help as well. If they know there is a certain time for handling, or if they get a treat afterwards, then she might calm down. We generally treat our hamsters with ball time if they are good (and usually give in and let them anyways, but they are so cute and adorable :oops:) and they have all stopped biting us now (except for the occasional Campbell's... they gang up on me in the cage :( it's like feeding furry piranhas at times, especially when 2 hide and one looks cute. Reach in and 2 appear from nowhere to take a bite of juicy hand) Make sure when you go to handle her that she has been awake for a while, again they can be grumpy when dozy, and that you don't smell of food. I know you said that you wash your hands carefully, but some soap smells can smell like food, fruit soaps are obvious but I have a violet one that they have taken a shine to as well.

I hope this has helped a bit. On the whole you are doing the right thing, just keep at it and you will make progress

12-04-2005, 08:31 AM
from what you are saying she bites mostly when she is in her cage and you are trying to get her out? If that is the case try using something to get her out the cage like a ladle or even tempt her into a toilet tube or ball. It could just be cage aggression, as hamsters are territorial, and she may behave herself if you just remove the stage of taking her out the cage with your hands

All I can really suggest other than that is patience. If you are letting her run from one hand to the other and she bites you, do you put her straight back in the cage?

i dont get the chance to let her run from hand to hand. if i even open the cage lid to change food she comes running towards where ive opened and tries frantically to climb up to whereever my hand is to get to it. and then opens her mouth to bite if i dont move my hand quickly enough. she does the same when im taking her out of her ball or anything. ive not yet been able to handle her for more than 5 secs cause she just digs her teeth in and doesnt let go. she was actualyl dangling from my finger the other day cause she wouldnt let go and i was trying to get my hand away.

12-07-2005, 02:33 PM
How long have you had her Catherine? Sometimes it takes a while for a hamster to settle and get used to her surroundings before being handleable. Try starting by placing a tissue which has your scent on it in her cage each day. Talk to her but don't touch her. After a few days stroke her back, Do not put your fingers in but present a fist for her to sniff. It is harder to bite a fist. Take the lid off and take her on a large bed then get her into a bowl or box then take her out. Gradually you should be able to lift her and let her run through tunnelled hands. It takes time and patience but you will get there, Keep calm and dont panic if she wees on you or jumps. You are safe on the bed,

12-08-2005, 08:05 AM

i got her on the 20th, so erm almost 4 weeks? and she was only 6 weeks when they bough her for me

12-08-2005, 09:46 AM
At this age she should be getting better but it sounds as if she has had a fright or something at some point. Go back to starting from the very beginning with taming as if she were just new to you. If she came from a pet shop she is unlikely to have been handled ever so it is pretty scary if you can imagine a hand twice the size of yourself swooping down on you. If you go to the 'breeding' section of this forum, go back to Sept 4th and look at the post 'when is it safe to handle them' you will find a reply by Pophammy with a link to a site with a good taming method using the scented tissue. Keep persevering. You can do it!