View Full Version : Devastated

Emma Marie
12-15-2017, 03:11 AM
Two days ago I lost my beautiful Teddy and I am terrified that it was my fault. One of my cats was sat on top of his cage ( I accidentally left my bedroom door open ) and I am so scared that that is what caused his death :(.perhaps it scared him as he has never seen a cat before. I will never forgive myself if this was the case. I held him as he took his final breaths and he looks just like he is sleeping.

Teddy was almost 3 and I loved him so much :(

My mum has suggested adopting another hamster but I don’t think I’m ready yet.

12-15-2017, 07:20 AM
Sorry to hear of your loss. Almost 3 is old, so he had a long life. Take time to grieve and you may at some point be ready to have another hamster.

12-15-2017, 11:23 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss, you'll never know exactly what happened but try not to dwell on it, he really was a great age.
You'll know if & when it may be time for you to adopt another ham, some people are ready sooner than others but take your time.

12-17-2017, 08:37 AM
I'm so very sorry about the loss of your sweet Teddy. It is always natural to wonder if we could have done something to prevent the loss of our loved ones, but please try to focus on the wonderful, long life filled with so much love he had with you rather than questioning what may have resulted in his passing. Please try to let yourself find peace and remember the good times that the two of you shared and created with one another because I'm sure that Teddy loved you very much and would want you to be happy always. Right now, just take time to heal and take care of yourself. If and/or when the time comes for you to adopt another loving hammy, you will know it. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am sending you huge hugs, too. RIP, dear Teddy. May you find plenty of wonderful adventures at the Rainbow Bridge. You will live on in all the hearts of those that you have touched over the years.

Thin Lizzy
12-18-2017, 04:52 AM
So very sorry for your loss, please don't blame yourself. Teddy was a wonderful age and loved deeply.

12-30-2017, 07:46 AM
So sorry for your loss.
Play well at the bridge Teddy x

12-30-2017, 03:02 PM
I am so sorry Teddy has gone. Three is a very great age - very very old for a hamster. I think it was just his time and nothing you or your cats have done. In fact he was probably quite used to the cats being in the house after all this time. It is normal to always think we must have done something or could have done more but actually it was just Teddy's time. It sounds peaceful the way he looked. Play well over the Rainbow Bridge Teddy.

I think it's normal to want another hamster - they leave a big hole in our hearts that needs filling. It's also normal not to be ready straight away. Just go with the flow. I wanted to get another one straight away but two weeks was too soon for me - people are ready at different stages and sometimes something just happens - you just see one and click with them.