View Full Version : Dwarf friendly treat recipe

01-01-2017, 11:15 AM
I created a recipe for diabetes prone hamster treat blocks. My hybrids love treat blocks but even the fruit-free ones contain honey which is bad for diabetes prone species like Campbells, Hybrids and Chinese hamsters. This recipe is super easy to make.

You will need:

A microwaveable cup or other container
Your hamsters favourite seeds
mealworms (optional)
A few biscuit pieces/pellets from their food
Plain flour
A mold (something like a silicone ice cube, chocolate, or icing mold)


1) Add the seeds, biscuit pieces, and (optional) mealworm pieces to the microwaveable dish and mix together.

2) Add a small amount of water to the mixture; this will soften the biscuits and break them up. When the biscuits dry later they will hold the mixture together.

3) Gradually add small amount of flour to the mixture until it's thickened. The flour will also bind the mixture together, along with the biscuits or pellets.

4) Microwave for 30 seconds or until warm and 'stickier'. Then spoon it onto the mold. Press down on it to make sure it's compact otherwise it might not stay together well.

5) Microwave for 1 minute or until the mixture starts to harden (exact time will depend on the size of the treat blocks and mold material).

6) Remove from mold and either microwave again until the rest has hardened or leave in the fridge to harden overnight.

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t35.0-12/15817729_1240389159382305_197023211_o.jpg?oh=40d86 42484adf251d54700b593d54afb&oe=586BEA52