View Full Version : Unhappy hamster?

06-19-2009, 08:15 AM
So... I got my two little girls about 2 weeks ago and for the most part they get on fine. Sleep on top of each other running on wheels etc. They fight occasionally but it's nothing serious... more like little play scuffles over who's in charge with no damage to either hamster.
They both eat, drink, sleep and run about normally and yet I'm a little worried about the smaller of the two.

Last night there was some loud screeching coming from the cage, nothing like their normal squeaking. Again, no damage done to either... they got a lecture on manners and then carried on running/playing as if nothing had happened.

This morning the smaller one was out trundling about digging for food and when she saw me she screeched again, sounding really angry. Normally she's really inquisitive and comes over to my hand to sniff but I wasn't anywhere near the cage.
Do I have a really unhappy hamster? Has the slightly bigger fight of last night scared her?

I do plan to separate them if it gets any worse but my emergency storage tub is too small really for more than an overnight length stay and I don't have money till next week. :(

Also... completely unrelated, but does hamster with diabetes pee smell worse than ones that dont?
Piggy (the bigger dwarf) smells quite bad.

06-19-2009, 09:20 AM
yes, diabetic pee will smell stronger.

The fighting doesn't sound like anything to worry about. Some dwarfs are very vocal. One of mine will lie on his back and squeek at nothing :lol:
I wouldn't say it was anything to separate them over, if they're not hurting each other. He was possibly startled when he saw you if he didn't hear you coming.

06-19-2009, 09:43 AM
Ahh ok.. paranoia strikes again then. Well that's a bit of a relief. :D
I'll probably be back reporting every little squeak until I get more used to them and what's normal. :roll: