View Full Version : scratching block

05-10-2015, 06:55 PM
Hi all,
Tybolt's nails are getting a bit long. I don't if they're ok or not. I know you need to trim up ginipig nails but Im not sure about a robo hamster's. If I could stay away from vets and pet stores, I was wondering if I could give him a block of willow, or apple wood. My dads a wood worker so this would be really cheep. My budget for my hamster is just enough for food and bedding I would kinda like to stay away from vets and pet stores if I can. I know not to give him pine and cedar. But I think fruit woods are ok. I just don't know if he'll scratch at it or not.

05-10-2015, 07:44 PM
Hey Berry-
I replied to your post, on an duplicate post. Check out your other post, on the same question. :).

05-25-2015, 06:06 PM
oh! thanks