View Full Version : Mayfield Hamster & Gerbil Food

10-15-2008, 03:00 AM
Is this any good? I am using the harry hamster original food, but one thing i've noticed is that my hamster hates the dark green bits in it, always leaves it out! but i am mixing up different foods for him everyday, so it should be ok. thought i would buy the mayfield one just to see if he likes it, i am trying all sorts of foods! :P also, i had another question to ask - i have read some of you feed your hammys scrambled egg? how do you make this for the hamster? is it just the egg scrambled on its own with no oil..butter...salt etc? so just a plain egg scrambled?

thanks :)

10-15-2008, 04:53 AM
Ours don't eat the green bits either n t! I don't know any that do. I think they are alfafa pellets. If you want to try the Mayfield (never heard of it myself) you should introduce it gradually to allow the tummy time to adjust. Gradually add a little more at each feed and see how it goes. The scrambled egg should be plain. What we do is crack an egg into a mug, beat with a fork then microwave for 45sec. Take care when you take it out as they puff up! Break it up then cool and give a tiny bit! Eat the rest yorself.

10-15-2008, 06:24 AM
Ours don't eat the green bits either n t! I don't know any that do. I think they are alfafa pellets. If you want to try the Mayfield (never heard of it myself) you should introduce it gradually to allow the tummy time to adjust. Gradually add a little more at each feed and see how it goes. The scrambled egg should be plain. What we do is crack an egg into a mug, beat with a fork then microwave for 45sec. Take care when you take it out as they puff up! Break it up then cool and give a tiny bit! Eat the rest yorself.

ha! like the part when you eat it yourself!!! having said that...what if i dont wanna eat the rest? can i refirgerate it then give to my hammy a little bit the next day? will it still be good? thanks for the microwaving tip, sounds much better! also...is egg fatty for them, or its ok if they have some egg twice a week?

10-15-2008, 01:14 PM
Twice a week would be fine. You can give them a bit of boiled egg too. It does tend to go a bit rubbery if you keep it overnight I find. Also good protein is cooked chicken, tofu, tiny bit of cheese, cooked pasta.