View Full Version : Rent a Hamster

09-12-2005, 11:24 AM
Rent A Hamster (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/4174774.stm)

Sounds like a good idea but poor hammy being subjected to new people all the time will be hard to make sure he has a routine? I think they are fairly resilient but not entirely stress free. Anything to try and cut down the number of rescues mind you can only be a good thing - what do you all think?

09-12-2005, 11:30 AM
Yeah, I think its a bit hard on Freddie, but what a cutie!!

09-12-2005, 12:58 PM
In ways I can see how it might not be the best idea since hamsters can be easily stressed. But in the same way I think its good because it’s probably better to know that your child doesn’t want the hamster in the end rather then buying one and having it neglected. So this provides a good chance for the kids to see what they really think.

I guess I have mixed feelings, but I think maybe leaning more towards liking the idea, because it teaches responsibility and I think more people could be educated and so on before buying. Plus people need to know hamster are a responsibility too, it doesn’t make a difference that they are so small.

09-17-2005, 01:08 PM
it says he is the 3rd hammie hired out-maybe the stress of it all took its toll on the others??

the pet shop is right to say buying a hamster is an impulse buy, but why hire out and charge when they could invite kids to the shop and get them to help with the cleaning and then give them a talk on all the responsibilties.

I think it could be a gimmick to make a bit of cash.

I do think Freddie is one cute ham though

09-17-2005, 03:25 PM
I think it's very hard on Freddie, and also that a week isn't long enough to see if the child's hammy phase will last. Better that the parents understand that whether a child's hammy phase lasts or not, taking on the hamster is their responsibility, not their child's.

Also a bit hazy over who has duty of care over this hamster - if he is ultimately owned by the pet shop then his welfare is their responsibility, but how can they ensure that when they are renting him out to anyone who wants him?