View Full Version : Toys from the wild

08-20-2013, 12:19 AM
Do any of you bring stuff like pieces of branches or pinecones and put it in the hamster cages? I was thinking about doing that but putting the branch in the freezer for a few days to make sure there are not hitch hikers on it.
How do you guys deal with those?

08-20-2013, 12:57 AM
I never have, but I believe most people who have used wild items like branches 'bake' them in the oven to kill bugs and ensure that the item is fully dry.

08-20-2013, 01:32 AM
Not all branches are safe, there is a list for gerbils on Woods, Tree Branches & Twigs | eGerbil (http://www.egerbil.com/safe_woods_for_gerbils) not sure if it would also apply to hamsters but I would imagine so.

08-20-2013, 09:59 AM
Cedar and pine is not recommended, but aspen is great :)

08-20-2013, 09:06 PM
You think the freezer for a few days would work too?

08-20-2013, 11:42 PM
No, use the other technique to be sure you really wouldn't want any bugs or mites or fleas moving in :cool:

08-21-2013, 01:17 AM
Freezing temperatures might not kill of the bacteria or even some bugs (they have to survive winter outside), where as nothing much can survive a bake in the oven!
Good luck finding something safe.

08-21-2013, 06:07 AM
Freezer does work i know many reptile owners who use this method. However they always bleach them first. Which can't be done with rodents as they chew.

I would give it a scrub down with warm water and a metal bristle brush. Then i would bake it in the oven. This is the best safe way for rodents.

08-21-2013, 07:02 AM
I would give it a scrub down with warm water and a metal bristle brush. Then i would bake it in the oven. This is the best safe way for rodents.

That's the best method for chinchillas. All my chin wood (they chew a lot more than hammies and are more sensitive so it has to be safe) is scrubbed and baked. I have also been known to boil and bake certain woods. Curly willow because the slender branches shatter when you try to scrub them, and pine cones to get out any excess sap ;)

09-11-2013, 09:35 PM
Freezer does work i know many reptile owners who use this method. However they always bleach them first. Which can't be done with rodents as they chew.

I would give it a scrub down with warm water and a metal bristle brush. Then i would bake it in the oven. This is the best safe way for rodents.

I ended up washing it and scrubbing, putting it in the freezer for a week and then baking it for 1 hour. I am pretty sure I have eradicated anything that even thought about living on that piece of wood.

Thank you for all the ideas.

09-26-2013, 07:28 AM
I have an apple tree stump, that I'm thinking of taking some shavings from today, to make a hanging toy.
What temp. would I bake it on?