View Full Version : To split or not to split?

06-04-2008, 11:43 AM
I am in a dilema! Mango and Chutney my campbells currently reside together. They sometimes squabble and don't sleep together anymore.
The reason I'm stuck about whether to split is because Chuntey wants to get out. He likes to be handled (mostly) and loves the ball and playpen. But Mango hates it. He doesn't like to be handled (or touched) does runnyish poo's in his ball and playpen (but never in his cage).
I feel Chutney would be able to get out more and enjoy his cage better on his own. I also think it would give Mango more room as he's not so keen on getting out he would get the Rex.
Any ideas would help :D I really am stuck. I'd hate to split them and then be sad if they don't like it on there own :cry:

06-04-2008, 12:22 PM
Does Chutney want to get out because they're fighting or he's being bullied, or you think he wants to get out because he enjoys human contact more??

Are they both living in the Gabber together at the moment? That's plenty of room for two Campbell's together.

Unless Chutney or Mango are beoing obviously bullied by the other one, or blood has been drawn, I'd keep them together. Campbell's can have very different personalities and it sounds like you're finding that out. Chutney obviously loves human contact and playing out whereas Mango likes to just be left in peace and do his own thing. There's nothing wrong with that.

Some of my Campbell's are very extrovert and love attention whereas I have a few who just want you to provide food and water and then clear off and leave them to get on with it alone, thank you very much. That's just how they are. I have to go poking round one of my Gabbers every morning and night to check my Campbell George is okay as he very rarely gets caught coming out when I'm up. He just gives me this look of "oh its you, now what do you want? I'm having a nap". He'll suffer through a cuddle but he really just wants to go back to his nest with a nice snack. :?

06-04-2008, 12:34 PM
I think Chutney enjoys Human Contact as I can't see any obvious fighting. Yes, they are both in a Gabber. My only worry is I feel I'm pressuring Mango as I poke around and Chutney comes out and Mango really doesn't want me to be there yet Chutney does! Also, I don't like to leave one and get the other out as I've been told they forget each other scent and would begin to fight :shock: I wouldn't want to cause a fight but it means Chutney doesn't get as much attention as he wants.

06-04-2008, 12:46 PM
I'd just go ahead and get Chutney out when he wants to come out...and let Mango just get on with it. I know people say that if you keep dwarfies together, you should handle them both at the same time or your scent on just one of them could provoke a fight but I've never found that to be a problem. I just cuddle or play with whoever's up and out - hopefully the other(s) will appear too. I just make sure that everyone gets handled at least once a day...more if they want. If you take Chutney out for a cuddle, Mango will be left peacefully to his own devices so they should be fine. They won't forget each other's scent in 10 mins! (I find its better to handle Campbell's for periods of 10 mins multiple times, rather than one long playtime) The only time I'd be extra wary is when you've just done a cage clean - for the first day I'd handle them both at the same time then or not at all.

Hope this hells. Campbell's can be stroppy, moody little hamsters but part of the fun is figuring out what on earth they want - or don't want! :roll:

06-04-2008, 05:36 PM
Hi sammysmum East London Chick is right why separate into different cages if you don't have to, if they are happy together then leave them but just get mango out by himself. I managed to keep 2 syrian brother together that we had bred ourselves now I know people will say that no it should not be done and I do not encourage it at all we had them together thinking eventually we would have to separate as theres now way you can keep hem together but they never fought. What you have to remember is when you clean them out to handle both as elc has said or not at all as oe may put a scent down before the other they must go back together, I also kept russians and robos together I couldn't handle the robos as they were far to fast and were best just being watched the russians I had one friendlier then the other 2 they used to bite and hold onto my hand and bite used to hurt like anything especially when you cannot get them off. They lived together up until about a year I think and then I had to separate the lovely one from the other 2 as they ganged up on her I think they could tell she was weak as she developed tumours in the end lost her teeth and claws she was lovely and died a few weeks after we moved the other 2 lived happily together till they died but I did have to remember to put them into the cage at the same time. They key is with hammies little and often som hammies liked to be watched others like to be handled.

Sarah x