View Full Version : To introduce Bruce, Sylvester and daughters or not???

05-13-2008, 01:16 PM
I'm dithering.....should I try and combine Bruce and her 2 daughters with Sylvester and her 3 daughters in one Gabber?

I'm only considering it because its cage swaparound night. Since my two WW rescue girls have just had to be separated, one has gone in Bruce's boys old Rody (they're now in a Gabber with Sylvester's boys and Emerson) and the other one has gone in the Rody that Sylvester and her daughters were in. Sylvester and the lady nutlets are currently relaxing in a tunnel in their playpen.

I'm just prepared a nice clean Gabber for them (which the two WW girls were moved out of) and I'm wondering if I should use this as an opportunity to introduce both sets of mums and daughters, or if I should just let Sylvester and the nutlets be.

Any opportunity to need one less cage is tempting...but I don't want the ladies to suffer from me trying to avoid building more shelving units. :roll:

What do you think?

05-13-2008, 01:47 PM
hmm... i'm not sure. Anything with odd numbers isn't really good. also i think you'd need so many wheels that it'd be impractical. no... i think not now i think abot it. plus the 2 mothers will be used to being in charge. the babies will go together fine but the mothers probably not. they might be protective over the babies.

max is trying to climb on the keyboard as i type this :roll:

05-13-2008, 01:55 PM
Too late Bunsey...I decided to risk it. I wasn't going to, and then I put Sylvester and the girls in the Gabber, um'd and ah'd for a while and thought its now or never..will I regret it if I don't try....so I'm giving it a go. I'll see what happens....they have 5 wheels between them so we'll see how it goes. I have a spare Gabber prepped up and ready for moving into if things don't work out. It really is musical cages here over the last few days.

So far, its VERY quiet....in fact I'm starting to wonder if I dreamt the whole introduction and it never really happened. :roll:

05-13-2008, 02:09 PM
well that's great! :D i knew the babes would be fine, but i thought the mums might fight.

05-13-2008, 02:34 PM
I think both mums are so shy and nervous that they're actually hiding from each other! Its partly why I wanted to mix the groups in an attempt to make everyone more outgoing. Let's hope it doesn't backfire on me. :wink: I have enough squeaks and squawks (and thuds from balls being rammed into doors) from the rest of my hams without the robo ladies joining him too.

05-14-2008, 08:20 AM
how is the new group today???

05-14-2008, 08:32 AM
Fingers crossed it's all going well.

Bruce and Sylvester are so young themselves I'd have thought you'd have a good chance really.

05-14-2008, 08:51 AM
It was looking good when I left for work this morning. And my robo boys' group are looking calm too.

I'm just enjoying it while I can - but I suspect all sorts of skirmishes might break out when everyone starts hitting the 3 month old age barrier.....so fingers crossed!
