View Full Version : Very Serious Confession!!

05-13-2008, 09:31 AM
Hi Everyone,

I have a very big and very serious confession to make!

I feel so stupid and irresponsible, but there really was nothing I could do to prevent it.

After reading a little more of this post you will probably know exactly what is coming, and also probably roll your eyes and say ‘Not another irresponsible person!!’ – but I really want to explain that it was a complete mistake.

You probably all know that I own two Syrian hamsters, a Male and a Female.

The female is a Short Haired Golden who is approx. 12 – 14 months old, who I got from a ‘breeder’ who doesn’t keep any genetic records and sells any remaining babies to her local pet shop.

The male is a Short Haired Cinnamon Banded who is appox. 6 months old, who I got from a local ‘breeder’ who doesn’t keep any genetic records either.

The fact that neither of them had pedigrees didn’t bother me in the slightest as I had no intention of breeding them. I only cared about them being healthy and tame, and coming from healthy and tame parents, which they were and did!

A few weeks ago I had a friend visiting me and we spent the whole day getting out all of the hamsters one by one and playing with each one for about 20 or 30 minutes each. The day before this I had been cleaning out the cages and had swapped a few of the hamsters around into different cages. My friend had been handling ‘Troy’ my male Syrian and wanted to handle one of the Roborovskis, so she went to take ‘Troy’ back to his cage and then came back and started to handle the Roborovskis.

About an hour later I went back into the hamster shed to put some cages back which I had removed. I put the cages back and had a quick glance over all of the other cages. Then my heart went into my mouth as I noticed ‘Troy’ in my female Syrian’s cage!! ‘Panda’ my female Syrian, was still standing and Troy was cleaning himself all over!

I panicked and then dived into the cage and removed Troy quickly. I put him back into his own cage and then just completely panicked! I checked them both for injuries and none of them had any, but they had been together for about an hour, so I one way it was a good thing she was in season because I think one of them would have been dead otherwise! - especially since he had been put into her cage :shock: !!

I would never have even considered mating these two hamsters. Panda was over 12 months old and had never had a litter so I thought she would have serious complications with giving birth to her first litter so late in life! She isn’t the best Golden either as she came fourth (last place) in the Alcester Short Haired Golden class – so I wouldn’t have bred from her. I also wouldn’t have mated the two because they both have the possibility of carrying the White Bellied Gene!

As you can probably imagine, I was going out of my mind with worry, but desperately hoping she hadn’t gotten pregnant! I actually lost weight because I was worrying so much!

By the time 11 days had passed, it was very clear that she was definitely pregnant, and probably having a large litter too, because of the size of her.

I phoned the vet which I use in Roborovski emergencies and told her exactly what had happened, she was really understanding, and she asked me the approx. date she would give birth if she was pregnant, and then said she would be on hand just incase there were any complications (although, she wasn’t sure if there was anything she could do I didn’t contact her straight away!), so I had to watch her extremely carefully!!

On the 7th of April she went into labour and I was hovering over the phone all day, but she gave birth to more than 15 babies!! Seemingly, without any problems at all, except that I think the first one was either born dead, or was squashed by Panda while she was giving birth :( as I don’t think she had any clue what was happening to her at all!

15 babies survived which I think was an absolute miracle as this was her first litter and she was over 12 months old when she gave birth to them! None of them have any deformities either and there isn’t even a runt either!!

I am so pleased that this horrible accident, which could have turned out so bad, turned out to be a complete miracle, but I feel so bad about it and so irresponsible! My friend who accidentally put Troy into the wrong cage lives quite far away from me, so I don’t see her very often, and I haven’t told her what has happened – I certainly don’t blame her, it was completely my fault because I should have gone with her to put Troy back in his cage.

I am so proud of Panda, she did a great job feeding and looking after them and they are all so chubby and healthy!! She couldn’t have done any better than she has done!!

I just feel so irresponsible and so guilty :oops: , because you were all so nice to me when i mentioned about starting to breed Syrians - at which time i was desprately hoping she wasnt pregnant!

Hope you all understand this was a mistake.

I thought i best tell everyone before someone else mentioned it, because a few of the prospective new homes have been looking on here as i told them it is a great place and very friendly :) - and also because i might be taking a few to Blenheim Palace Display and putting them on the Sales Table - so most of you would find out there anyway :roll: - i just want to be truthful!

So if anyone wants a new hammy...... pics on here soon!

Kind Regards,

Tammy x

05-13-2008, 09:39 AM
Oh Tammy why did you not tell us before you dumpling :roll:
Well as with humans 'accidents' will happen' and I can think of anyone better placed to support and help her raise the babies than you. So keep no more secrets and let us see the babies as soon as you can. What colours do you have. All the usual questions. Panda has done really well. Bit of a last ditch fling there young madam as that is a fair age to raise that many babies. I am sure they will get lovely homes so keep us in suspense no longer. :lol:

05-13-2008, 09:43 AM
Oh Souffle, thanks for being so understanding x

The babies were 5 weeks old yesterday - the males were removed from the mother and their sisters at 3.5 weeks and the females were removed from Panda last week.

They are all so lovely! There are 8 Males who are mostly Golden banded (2 who are just Golden), and 7 females who are all Golden, except for 1 who is Golden Banded.

I will post some pics soon!

Tammy x

05-13-2008, 09:43 AM
Hi Tammy - all's well that end's well. Look forward to seeing the photos! A lot of females wouldn't catch at 12 months, Panda is obviously fit and well. :D

05-13-2008, 09:46 AM
Congratulations on the babies - and what a relief for you - all's well that ends well!!

I hope there are some left on the Monday at Blenheim for me to see (but by the sounds of them, I expect they'll all be at their new homes! :lol: )

05-13-2008, 09:50 AM
Thanks both of you.

I wont be there until the Monday, so you might have first pic, lol :)

Tammy x

Spuds Mum
05-13-2008, 10:01 AM
well done Panda, is all I can say! :D

I do hope they all find wonderful homes, what a huge and healthy litter - I would love to see pics if you can get some! :D

05-13-2008, 10:27 AM
you shouldn't have worried. i've nearly put hams in the wrong cage myself then realised at the last minute! One time i had Apple and Bailey in tubs next to each other and I left something on top of Apple's cage and he used it to climb into Bailey's! no fighting, luckily. Another time I was holding fern and she leapt and fell into Chiddy's cage. One time i had Apple in the run and Bailey & Henry in another run and i picked up Henry and then had no clue which one was Bailey to put him back with and put him in the wrong one. We can all be dumb and make these kinds of mistakes. I've also had a ham escape from the ball and then 5 mins later see a second one trotting across the floor and think oh my god, what if you'd gotten out 5 mins earlier! :shock:

05-13-2008, 10:28 AM
Oh Tammy you're a silly moo for keeping that quiet for so long I think I can speak for everyone when I say we would have totally understood - accidents happen. I'm just glad it all worked out well for you and Panda - and Troy for that matter, the poor fella could've been ripped to shreds :shock:

Looking forward to seeing pics and sorry ur first syrian mating was so traumatic! :lol:

05-13-2008, 11:36 AM
There you go, Tammy - what did I say? :wink: (I knew about this a couple of weeks ago and knew you lot wouldn't have a problem with it at all). It's so great that it's all turned out so happily and that the babies and mum are doing brilliantly. And look on the bright side, you've learned a lot about having a litter of baby Syrians :P

05-13-2008, 12:31 PM
Hi Everyone,

thank you all so much for being so understanding and so kind and reassuring too!

It was very stressful but all turned out for the best.

You were right Holly :) , thanks

The first few pics are of Panda just ready to burst, lol! you can see from the date on the pics that some were taken on the day before she gave birth, and one was taken on the day she gave birth! I was watching her so closely for problems, and then she just came out midway between having the litter, collapsed on the cage floor and had half an hours rest, i felt so sorry for her - you can see the pic dated 7/04/08!!

Some of the pics look like they havent go their eyes open, but they did have their eyes open - but if you want to remove the pics then please go ahead, i dont want to upset anyone!

The other pics have the dates on too, so you can see how old they all are in each pic. The later ones show them in their single sex cages and the last ones were taken today!

Hope you like them all:


Kind Regards,

Tammy x

05-13-2008, 12:36 PM
Oh you twit, we all know accidents happen and that you of all people wouldn't have done it on purpose!

Look forward to seeing some pictures now :D

Edit: took too long to post and you had already added pictures lol! They are such sweeties and have done an elderly first time mum proud :D And I've just noticed that they were born on my birthday :P

05-13-2008, 12:36 PM
thy're all lovely! mummy looks exhausted on that sleepy pic bless her. I guess it's harder being that age. like a 40 year old human giving birth

Spuds Mum
05-13-2008, 12:40 PM
Ohhh they are just wonderful. I can't believe you kept them all to yourself for so long you silly girl :D

Panda did a fantastic job, there are some real lovelies in there. I do love golden bandeds! :x

05-13-2008, 12:42 PM
Tammy you meany. How could you keep these adorable cuties away from us for so long :wink: I must say I have seldom seen such a pregnant mum. She looks like she swallowed two golf balls :shock: She has done a wonderful job and the babies are a credit to her. I don't think you will have any problems homing these babies. Just beautiful. By the way, Congrats on your first syrian litter :wink:

05-13-2008, 12:49 PM
i wouldn't have been able to keep it to myself! i would've been so excited that all the babies were born without problems!

05-13-2008, 01:07 PM
So glad u told us all so we can get a peek at those scrummy Babies. Theyre gorgeous. :shock:

05-13-2008, 01:12 PM
Thank you so much everyone, i know i keep saying it, but, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

You really have made my day - i was so worried about telling you all.

It was really difficult to contain myself and my excitement, each day i was taking new pics and had no one to show them to :( , but now you are all going to be bombarded with pics!!

Tammy x

05-13-2008, 01:15 PM
Well done for sharing with us...better late than never :wink:

Thank goodness your not coming to Blenheim till Monday...they are so cute, i'm not sure if I could resist!

05-13-2008, 01:33 PM
They are all gorgeous, congrats! :D

05-13-2008, 01:58 PM
**steals the goldens**

Awww they are scrummy!Am so glad everything worked out so well xxx

05-13-2008, 02:14 PM
Beautiful :-)

I had a similar experience last year with a dwarf (though I was really stupid as there was only me involved) and one of my WWs gave birth at a year old. She did well and I hope to breed her daughter very soon.

The babies look lovely, I do love golden syrians. Mum did a fantastic job, big hug to her :-)

05-13-2008, 02:18 PM
there all lovely and so many, did they all survive?
what a great job panda and you have done :x

05-13-2008, 03:13 PM
well considering they were an unplanned litter they are just stunners - gorgeous the lot of them! :wink:

05-14-2008, 12:34 AM
Aww what absolute beauties! And as for Panda, what an amazing girl she is :shock: 8)

05-14-2008, 01:56 AM
Congratulations Tammy! They look super healthy - Panda has obviously done a wonderful job.

05-18-2008, 03:55 AM
They're gorgeous tammy, you shouldn't have hidden them :D

Panda did a fantastic job, there are some real lovelies in there. I do love golden bandeds! :x
That's what I should be having in my litter :)

And Souffle, it's what my girl looked like when she was pregnant :)

05-18-2008, 04:27 AM
Wow - what a tale! Glad it all turned out okay in the end. The babies are beautiful :-)

05-19-2008, 03:37 PM
Oh my goodness they are all so cute! I love the piccy of them all standing up like meerkats lol :lol:

05-20-2008, 07:36 AM
Wow, they are 15 of the cutest little " mistakes " I've seen :lol:
Their coats look really plush and thick too, adorable.

05-20-2008, 02:05 PM
Thanks Everyone,

i am falling in love with all of them and dont want to let any of them go :(

I am tying to make the most of having them all around.

Tammy x

05-20-2008, 03:14 PM
don't worry they'll be ok, and the one which I should be picking up I will send pictures to you and everything if you like?

Though I am worried about givine it a name I'm really bad at that and my boyfriend always says that we are calling this one such and such, I never get a chance lol.

05-21-2008, 05:31 AM

Your pups are absolutely gorgeous and mum seems to have taken the surprise litter in her stride. Homing beautiful pups will be no problem. Accidents do happen :? but it all turned out ok.
