View Full Version : Roborovskis personalities

05-04-2008, 11:17 AM
So far I have 4 robos all with different personalities, and here they are:
Puck: now at 2years seems a bit heavy footed but still karm. When he was younger he would sleep on your hand and enjoy to be picked up, he even walks onto your hand. Even though he is karm he can pick on his brother from time to time (hogging the bed and the food area). He’s only ever bitten one person once and that was the vet.

Pixie (pucks brother): was the runt of the litter as they say. Extremely fast loves running around like a headless chicken and was very hard to gain trust. But now he will climb onto your hand like his bother. He also loves chewing up newspaper and chucking his food and about (well just making a mess, lol). He has bitten me a few times, and latterly it has been a bit more often than I would like but he seems to be karming down now. I get the feeling he doesn’t like change too much.

Siouxsie: is a very big girl robo even bigger than the boys which is strange. When I first got her she was very frightened of everything, me walking past her cage, or even moving on the other side of the room. But now she is happy to be handled and will rest on you from time to time. She has bitten me a few times, which was during the first two days of getting her home. She loves to sleep as well. She loves climbing and hates falling. She can climb upside-down on bars, over a foot of vertical bars and down the other side (if there was a hamster climbing contest she would win it, lol). She seems really friendly and cares for and sister a lot.

Sioux (siouxsie’s sis): When I first got Sioux she was that fast but faster than her sister, now she’s faster than any of my robos. The main thing she does is runs in her wheel and runs back and forth in her cage and playpen nonstop. She very tame and loves to wake her sister up a lot to play.

How would you describe your robos personality?

05-04-2008, 12:40 PM
i have had a few different personalities, too. too many to list! :lol:

i've got Apple who is very docile and a bit of a cheeky chappy. will come up to you and sniff all around your hand. He comes out of his nest if you open the cage or put something down on top of it! He is very motherly and not really male-like at all. He took on baby robos like his own children and protected them, mothering and cuddling them. he'd live with anyone, but i can't find anyone who'll not beat him up :(

Fern is mad for digging. she digs the side of the food bowl, side of the cage, the bare floor, the outside of the sidebath etc. She was cheeky with Heather but has lost confidence since Heather died. She likes to be in a room with other robo cages and got upset when she was in my room alone.

Humphrey and George are quite similar. they are crazy for running. they run in the wheel all evening and all night. I put them in balls every night and they run like mad and then go back in and run in the wheel some more! i feel tired just looking at them!

Bailey sees himself as the king of the jungle since he took care of his litter. He has some sort of breathing problem, probably due to age, but is pulling through

Chiddy is very shy and runs away from people. She hasn't had it easy with her cagemates dying or beating her up. she's now terrified of other robos, so even though she's unhappy alone, i can't pair her with even the most placid.

Skye has always been lazy and anti-social. He has no interest in other hamsters and can't really be bothered to do much, even when he was young. He lies about here and there. When i put him in the run he just trots about and then sits. He has had mites twice, poor little thing.

05-04-2008, 01:16 PM
Super dude is my lone boy - part of a litter of 7 he is friendly but doesn't like to be picked up, he'll gladly take treats from me but is a grumpy little thing 'shouting' at me if i try and pick him up when he dosn't want to be

Momma Robo (doom) was quite timid till she had her babies, she and her 6 daughters live together and she is the smallest of them all - she is also more brown in colour to them and explores things first

Bad eye keeps close to her momma as she always had (she had a bad eye as a baby and we referred to her as bad eye - it stuck lol) She is also one of the most confidant of the 6 'babies' and will sit on my hand for the longest amount of time

Jumpy back is just that - she jumps on any robos back and runs round like mad

Fatty or the fat one is the biggest of all 7 girls, she always stuffs her pouches the most and looks like a little cobra when she does it

05-05-2008, 01:15 PM
Minni - Crazy little girl. Loves running, especially on her flying saucer. She is more social than her sister and also likes annoying her sister and trying to play games.

Belle - Very timid, gets annoyed easily by Minni. Likes to hide in tubes and loves eatting. She also likes to bully Minni of a wheel if she wants to use it.