View Full Version : Probiotic supplement

04-29-2008, 03:18 AM
I have bought some Pets at Home vetinary approved Probiotic water supplement powder for Miyah , my new Syrian girl.

It is adminsitered with a little measure sppon and put into daily drinking water, or dusted over food , it is to aid their digestive system and balance out their flora.
Anybody else used this??

fran :D

04-29-2008, 04:40 AM
Hi Francescamice is it called Pro C Probiotic? If so I use it I used it for when my Casper had pneumonia no fault of mine he had it when I bought him.

Again I used it when Christie my female was pregnant and afterwards aswell.

I adopted a hamster from P@H and he is lovely but was stressed because of having no handling and was a bit loose. I am using Probiotic for him at the moment.

I think its a good idea especially to aid their health or when they are unwell and need a little help.

Congratulations on the new addition Miyah aww its a lovely name I have a done spot called Myah aswell.

Take care

Sarah x

04-29-2008, 06:56 AM
so should this only be used if hamster is ill or run down??

fran :)

04-29-2008, 09:13 AM
Yeah it should only be used if hammies are ill or immune systems are low since an overload of good bacteria can sometimes do more harm than good

04-29-2008, 10:22 AM
Its quite good stuff that Pro-C. I always have a tub on hand incase i need it. I dont use it for all may hamsters, just the very young, very old or ill.

04-29-2008, 12:33 PM
I think this can also be used on mice too, as Treacle my 2 year old doe is getting on a bit so do you think it would be okay to put a meausre in her water say once or twice a week?

I will be posting some pictures of Miyah my Syrain, and also post some pic of Treacle and Truffle my 2 adorable mice

fran :D

04-29-2008, 02:13 PM
Hi ya I think Pets@home use it for all their hammies as we have a notice here on the tanks that say they use a probiotic which I think is a good idea.

I use the Probiotic if one of ours is ill, getting old, or first when I get them and they are a bit stressed as it helps to support them.

Maybe just do it for a while for Miyah to make sure she ok and healthy.

Sarah x

05-02-2008, 07:08 AM
There is Proc C in all the animal's water not just hammies, they're trying to minimise stress levels after transportation to and from the store/s 8)

05-09-2008, 04:19 AM
I use this for the hamster, rats and mice. It will go on all of the fresh food if anyone is under the weather or stressed but otherwise I might pop some on just once a week anyway.

I have to sprinkle it on food as the rats won't drink it in water :roll: and I don't think the hamster or mice drink enough to make it useful that way tbh

05-21-2008, 02:48 PM
I use "probiotic" all the time - a little wholewheat flour sprinkled on the food does just as good as the expensive powders if you add in some crushed tablets from Holland and Barrett but remember less is more and hamsters are very small so a tiny pinch is all you need for one or two hamsters
I have powder for the water bottles of sick hamsters - the stuff I got last time was VetArk Pro-C I used to get Avipro and then Avipro Plus but only see Pro-C now in the market.

05-22-2008, 05:34 AM
Yeap the one I buy is from P@H Vetark - vetinary approved Pro C - its about £4.99, i use it occasionally with Treacle my old doe mouse, as shes getting wobbly now.
Miya only has a scoop in water about once every week.

The only thing that you have to watch for with these water supplements is that greenish algae like stuff can accumulate inside the water bottles and the stoppers.

Fran :D

05-22-2008, 05:26 PM
We have to change all bottles every 3 mnths

05-25-2008, 08:38 PM
Hi Fran thats the one we have too.

I have stopped using it for Kumi now as he is fine and a very happy boy. I have it on standby though for all my hammies.

I also have a vitamin supplement that comes in the P@H started kit that can be put on food we use it weekly for our hams.

Also our guinea-pigs in the winter have vitamin drops in their water. They have alot of vegetables and gerty guinea-pig food but we just used it for when they can't go out in the winter.