View Full Version : R.I.P to my special little man

09-04-2012, 04:33 AM
I had to have my little man put to sleep last night. I always refer to him as little man as it took us a while to settle on a name for him, originally he was called Father Jack Hackett, then I named him Hoshiko (which means star), my partner called him Superdude but to me he was just my very special little man.

We rescued him from an adoption centre where he was confined to a small habitat without even a wheel. needless to say I spoilt him rotten, bought him a three storey home with loads of tunnels and toys and he was a very happy hammy.

He had been suffering with some injuries for the past few weeks that just wouldnt heal and he was making them worse so I took the heartbreaking decision to end his suffering. We collected him from the vets today and will lay him to rest at the top of the garden later on so he'll always be nearby.

To everyone else that has lost a furry friend recently, I'm sorry for your losses and I send big kisses and cuddles to all your hammies.


09-04-2012, 04:37 AM
Sleep peacefully Little Man

Silver xxx

09-04-2012, 04:47 AM
Well done on rescuing him and giving him a loving home, sleep well little guy.

09-04-2012, 07:51 AM
I'm so sorry. Sweet dreams little one. You'll be missed. x

The Hamster's family
09-04-2012, 09:04 AM
Jesus Christ... I'm in tears... So Sorry for you... He will be forever thankfull for the life you gave him... You should be very proud of what you have done =) He would never have had this life without you... =)

09-05-2012, 08:27 AM
I'm so sorry for you loss. You gave him a wonderful life. Take comfort that he was happy with you. xxx

Run free Hoshiko. xxx

09-05-2012, 04:06 PM
I'm so glad he was able to enjoy the sort of life every ham should have while he was with you. Play well special little man xx

09-05-2012, 04:23 PM
So sorry for your loss. :(
Play well and sleep tight, Little Man. xx

09-06-2012, 01:29 AM
Rest in peace little man <3