View Full Version : Ponies!

06-03-2012, 06:07 AM
I don't own any other pets other than my two girls, but I do share a horse

This is Blue. She's a welsh cob, 14.2hh and a pleasure to ride and be around

I've been sharing her for two years, and ride her 3 times a week as well as sharing yard duties. We mostly hack out in the countryside, but have recently been doing some schooling which has been fab as we've been really gelling.http://i1196.photobucket.com/albums/aa411/shazzydazzy10/7be10235.jpg

I don't have any pics of me riding her unfortunately, but here she is in action with her owner at her first cross country comp. The jumps were small but blue jumped them like they were 3 foot high!

Juliet also owns Rocky, a 13.2 native breed pony that I also ride. He's very intelligent and a cheeky chappy :)


Blue and rocky together


Then she also owns Jack, who's just a baby ATM, only 1 year old. He's the mostly laid back baby ever and spends most of his time lying down! He's an Irish draft cross, and we think he has some shire in him judging by the size of him already!!


Hope you like them! They are a wonderful bunch

06-03-2012, 06:10 AM
Oh and here's a cheeky rocky saying hi!


06-03-2012, 06:23 AM
So cool. Great pics. Love the last one of Rocky. lol ;)

06-03-2012, 06:50 AM
Awww they're all so beautiful <3 I always wanted to ride, but I never got the chance unfortunately :( not much of a countryside here in the city :lol: I love Rocky, he seems so full of fun :)

06-03-2012, 07:15 AM
I love ponies! Theres nothing better then sitting on a horse as wide as a bench lol. Havnt riden for years and years. I could of had a horse at 16 but chose not to :( but actualy it was very senseible of me. I do miss riding :(

06-03-2012, 09:54 AM
Curse you for making me miss horse riding again :p I took it up again last Christmas (after giving up as a teenager because I was stupid ;)) but haven't had a chance to ride in almost a year because of university work. As soon as I find a job and a place to live, though, I'm finding another riding stables :D

They are all gorgeous horsies though :D

Lil Miss
06-03-2012, 10:23 AM
beautiful, blues face reminds me of a shire x i used to look after

is rocky a little new forest? hes built very much like our gabs

06-03-2012, 10:25 AM
they are gorgeous, I had lessons when I was little, so I love horses and horse riding, I often go riding when I go to cornwall with the family, unfortunatly a lot do 'pony tracking' where you walk in a line on the same route, no trotting or anything, the horse I rode was blind, but it knew every step of the way it was so repedative, so i try and go to ones that swap things about a bit.

our local one is a retirement home for horses, they look old and scruffy, but thats because they are old.

I think little jack will be a big big boy jack :D

06-03-2012, 10:47 AM
Lol they are all very special ponies. Rocky is a little bugger, but he's very fun - unfortunately he badly damaged a tendon whilst out on loan so can no longer jump. We still get him out doing little trot pole comps though and he loves it. My friend Millie hacks him out with me and blue at the weekends

I am very lucky to have Blue to ride an the others to fuss over. Dunno what I'd do without horses to be around!

Lil Miss - yes rocky is a new forest. Do u have one too?

Vanilla - yep Jack is gonna be a big boy! He's grown a whole hand in 6 weeks - his rump has over taken rockys now!

Lil Miss
06-03-2012, 11:03 AM
sort of :lol:
i ride/look after one for my friends

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/542556_10150679365103239_654893238_8092364_7123900 61_n.jpg

its hard to mistake the distinctive chunky head of a NF haha

i have ridden since i was 2 and have broken/backed and brought horses back into work in the past, i also ran a horse rescue with 3 firends many years ago, until 2 of them fell out (in a typical yard type manner) and things went bottoms up :lol:

06-03-2012, 12:30 PM
Awww lovely! What a nice deep colour. Rockys colour goes really rich in summer too.

That's a shame about the rescue, but yes it's very easy to fall out when horses are concerned!

I'm looking forward to seeing jack growing up and being part of his learning and development. We have a natural horsmanship worker coming out this week to show us a few things and hopefully get him leading better in hand

Lil Miss
06-03-2012, 02:37 PM
oh yes the world of horses can be very very catty, i found that out the hard way, not long after the rescue went belly up my loan pony, of 3 years, who i took on in a semi wild, unbroken, scared of all human contact, state, and turned into a perfect little pony was sold out from under my nose with no warning

is jack gelded yet? what height is he supposed to make do you know?

06-04-2012, 12:50 AM
That's not good, I dunno what it is but you do see a different side to people when it comes to horses sometimes. The same happened to my friend recently

Jack was gelded about 6 weeks ago. We nearly lost him actually as he continued to bleed quite heavily afterwards. He had dozens of vet visits and his blood count was getting dangerously low. The vets took responsibility for cutting the tube too high and not clamping it off properly. He was a very poorly pony and they nearly had to open him right up to find the bleed. He's recovered from all that now thank god and is back to his cheeky self - he jumped a 4 foot fence the other day to prove he's ok!

Apparently he'll make 15.hh or round about but not much is know about the father because the lady who had him before bought his mum pregnant

06-04-2012, 01:01 AM
I used to have a part loan pony but the owner sold it without any warning :(

06-04-2012, 01:23 AM
What gorgeous horseeeeeees!x i havve been begging my dad for a loan or a share or ages! i llove riding and go every saturday!x

06-04-2012, 01:31 AM
aww they are beautiful, i miss working with horses. i used to work at a stud stables it was amazing but ive only ever been riding once because the lessons are so expensive ive always wanted to own a horse or share a horse, i cant wait till i can they are beautiful animals :D

06-04-2012, 07:35 AM
gorgeous!! i'd lov to take my son horse riding , and have a go myself. but i dont drive and cant find anywhere close to me :(

06-04-2012, 08:00 AM
Stories like these about the horse world is why I'd save up to buy a horse rather than loan one off someone ;) (And also why I'd rather not do livery, but having a place big enough to house a horse is not likely :|) Of course, this is all ten years down the line or so :lol:

06-05-2012, 03:45 PM
such beautiful creatures horses are, ive always wanted my own but theyre just out of my price range :(