View Full Version : males or females

02-16-2012, 02:32 PM
i was just thinking do you prefer male pets or female pets
ive noticed i have a better relationship with my male pets than my females always have. like my female dog prefers to sit with my boyfriend than me and my male dog follows me everywhere even with my last dogs i was closer to my male dog than my female dog and same with my cats and jabba

just wondering if its the same for you

02-16-2012, 02:51 PM
Hm, interesting question.

My house is full of mostly females, I must confess. I think I connect better with female dogs than I do male dogs. Most of the dogs I've owned (with the exception of my boy Pomeranian) have been females. I just "connect" with them, I guess. I was surprised when I clicked with my Pomeranian because I didn't think I ever would "click" with a boy dog. Our family dog, an American bulldog mix who passed away in '09, was a male - but he was a family dog, not my dog. I've always had closer relationships with our/my female dogs.

With cats, though, it's the complete opposite! I've never been as close to any of our female cats as I am to my current tomcat. Then again, that could have a lot to do with the fact that all our female cats had attitudes. My male cat, though, is like a dog in a cats clothing. I know a lot of cat owners say that, but when I say it, I mean it... lol He's as friendly as a dog (too friendly) and just as co-dependent as one, too.

With rodents, I think it depends on the species of rodent. I tend to prefer male guinea pigs and male gerbils. With hamsters, it doesn't really matter. I thought I always preferred male rodents, overall, but when I got Buttercup, I learned otherwise. She's just as calm and tame as all my males have ever been and I'm just as bonded with her as I am with my gerbils.

02-16-2012, 03:34 PM
I started out with all females for hamsters and thought I was going to continue to only relate to females. But then chance brought me my two Campbell brothers, and now that I've had both kinds, I really can't say I have a preference. It's all about individual hamsters, in my opinion.

02-16-2012, 03:42 PM
Er... I don't have a preference that I've ever noticed.

Growing up I lived with both male and female dogs and got along great with all of them. I also got along really well with both the male and female rabbits we had.
Owned male syrians as a kid but get along with our current female just as well as I did those males when I was younger.

I think its a case of if you hand it to me I'll fall in love with it and adore it just as much as I do all the hams we currently have.
Good thing really since we thought 6/8 were male when we got them but actually its 7/8 are female lol
(We sexed the two we've always known are girls ourselves, and yeah, 5/6 of the others were mis-sexed by the pet shop lol)

02-16-2012, 03:47 PM
So far I prefer males and have found them much calmer in all species of hamster (saying that, it doesn't stop Batman from being a nutter ;))

However, thats not to say I don't like females as I've loved all my girls. Granted nearly all of them have been moody madams, they certainly keep you on your toes x

02-16-2012, 07:14 PM
Dogs I prefer female.
Cats I prefer male.
Rabbits - no preference.
Guinea pigs I prefer female.
Hamsters - no preference!

In our house we have 2 female dogs, 1 male, one of each cats, 2 female rabbits, 1 male rabbit, 3 male guinea pigs, one of each hamsters.

6 females, 7 male.

02-16-2012, 07:22 PM
i have always had better relationships with males other than dogs where i havnt found a difference other than protective vs possessive x

02-17-2012, 04:09 AM
I think I prefer all mine to be male, although the only female pet I've ever had is my rabbit, so I don't really know :p

02-17-2012, 06:47 AM
forgot to add, I have no preference with other animals, I've had great experiences with male and female dogs or cats :) x

02-17-2012, 06:52 AM
I have 4 cats, 3 males and 1 female, i like them both. As for hamsters i like both XD