View Full Version : what cheeses are fine for hams

Matty Day
01-05-2008, 06:11 PM
as i am a big cheese fan and we always have some in the fridge i was wondering what cheese are fine for hams so far I have let them have a bit of red glouster and a very mild cheddar but are then any other cheeses types that are fine for hams as we always have a large selection in the fridge. are there any i should realy avoid ?

01-06-2008, 02:44 AM
As long as it is only a tiny bit most cheeses are fine. I would however avoid the blues, very strong cheeses and we dont gice the 'rindy bit' either. Also unpatuerised cheeses may not be good in case of bugs.
We are also great cheese fans and have been known to have a late night 'cheese party'. Sad aren't we :lol: :lol: :lol: