View Full Version : Seth needs a new home

11-18-2011, 04:03 PM
Location:Birmingham but will be at Kingswinford hammy show
Kind of hamster(s):LH RE Flesh eared white
Hamster age(s):9 months
Any health problems/special needs?Long haired needs groomed
Any behavioral problems?Very fussy
Type of household hamster would best be suited to: Older child upwards
For more information send PM on forum? Yes

Due to some home issues I think Seth needs a home. I have never bonded with him as I gave him to my housemate as his responsibility, as a result we havn't bonded, they have left and I feel he needs a better forever home than what I can provide him.

I have found auboise suits his fur best and this is an added expense i can't really have and i can't use it for the rats.

I have no problem keeping him just if there is a better home for him I would rather he go so I guess this is "testing the waters" so to speak.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/227015_835589302415_223407998_14867176_4049719_n.j pg

11-19-2011, 02:23 PM
Homed to a nearby HC'er :) xxx