View Full Version : Super Pet 2 level

01-29-2011, 04:34 AM
It's a "Super Pet 2 Level" with a set of extensions which houses two Roborovskis.

I plan to get one more set of extensions that I'll connect to the yellow block on the left so they have more to run around in.
I've read that Robos don't need levels, but my little boy Button likes to climb onto that level, so I left it in. I'm going to buy another wheel to put on that level, as well.
There is a box at the top, yes, and the long string of tubes around the cage used to connect to it. But, Jamie and Button started to fight over who got to be in there, so I took it out of the equation. They've been much calmer in the hours since. In this pic, they're snuggled up and grooming eachother in the green tube. :)

I'm a first time Robo owner; forgive me and correct me if I've done something wrong! ^^; Also, I'm not sure if I've used this thread right... posting something like this is okay, right?


01-29-2011, 04:42 AM
I am surprised your Robos could make it to that loft. ^-^ I had to abandon my tubular system when I had mine as non could make it up the tubes.Just a small point. Just be aware of those cage gaps. Mine lived in them fine as well but I have been told they can squeeze out the tiniest of spaces. I taped cardboard round the bottom of my cage, as an added precaution.
Other than that it looks like a nice home for them. If they enjoy the levels then sure, keep them in. ^_^

01-29-2011, 08:32 AM
Personally - i think its a little on the small side but if your getting extensions it should be better, and alot of the time pairs with fight over a level, thats why most people just get a one tier cage :) And if you have a pair your suppose to have two of everything :)

01-29-2011, 08:51 AM
I have to second what Fidget said.. Not to mention that that cage is VERY tall for a roborovski.. and if the tried to climb the bars and fell, could get injured quite badly...

01-29-2011, 08:55 AM
Ah, okay. I understand. Thank you both for the advice :)

01-29-2011, 08:59 AM
Looks ok but also robos have furry feet so can't climb vertical tubes :P

01-29-2011, 09:09 AM
I've sort of learned that the hard way, watching Button jumping up the tube. ^^; I'll try and sort that out so they can climb up easier or I'll take it out all together.

01-29-2011, 10:41 AM
It's not a great cage. For two robos you will need two of everything; water, wheels, bowls etc. I doubt there is enough room for all of this in that cage. :)