View Full Version : 'Peggy Metro' by Savic and 'Super Pod' by Rotastak

01-24-2011, 11:10 AM
For Xmas I got my 1st ever hammie:) I also got a cage-a Peggy Metro by Savic

I was unsure of it at first.
I set up the cage, which was quite difficult because there were no instructions

The cage included-
.A wheel
This was very very very squeaky at first, but i discovered that by dabbing oil on it it eliminated the problem :)

. Tubes

I loved the tubes, they were secure and safe and a good size :D

. 2nd level

The platform was easily and securely attached to the cage. It was big and spacious, and there was a space for a food bowl and a small house which came with the cage.

A ramp

This is what i had the most trouble with. It was really hard to put on and was very flimsy. Before I had even got my hamster, the ramp cracked, and I had to glue it back together, but that didn't work very well. When I got my hamster, he had difficulty getting up the ramp, but i'm not sure if that was because he was young and not particularly strong.

Water bottle

The water bottle leaked so I had to buy a new one

The cage itself was spacious and very very easy to clean.

Overall, despite me making the cage sound really bad, it defiantly has it's pros, and my hamster is very happy in his home.

Super Pod by Rotastak

This cage I bought as an extension for my other cage- the Peggy Metro by Savic, not because there wasn't enough space, i just love to give my pets the happiest life possible-and I had the money ;)

The cage is quite small-I wouldn't recommend it on its own, the hamster would be upset. Thats why I would use it as an extension.

It has a platform for the hamster to climb on, but my hamster just uses it to hide in a dark corner, and he stored his food there for a bit.

The cage comes with a small water bottle which I don't use because I have a bigger one in the main cage. It comes with 2 plugs for blocking up holes. It also has a really great wheel! It is pretty quiet, but unfortunately my hamster uses it as a place to store his food and then runs in it-which makes a racket!

On the other hand, the cage has to be completely dismantled if you want to clean the cage properly, so it's not the easiest cage to clean.

It also comes with tubes, and a big food bowl- which I used to block a hole, as to join my 2 cages together, I only needed one hole for the tubing.

Overall I think it's a brill cage, but only for an extension

I recommend both cages to you, but the Savic cage's accessories are a bit dodgy!

Hope I helped!

01-25-2011, 12:30 PM
I'm using the peggy metro at the moment :) I agree, putting the tubes together is VERY confusing without instructions, but I've ended up not using them anyway and I'm not using the ramp as chibi has his climbing toy which he uses to get up

I've had the super pod in the past and again I agree it is really time consuming to clean with the fact the base splits into 2 and the top does aswell and the sides are seperate :/

good reviews though :)

01-26-2011, 09:31 AM
Yeah :)

I clicked on ur 'visit faerydae furries' (hope u dont mind :s )
I want to work with animals too! I am always inspired when I visit my local cats and dogs home :)