Thread: My angels
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Old 11-23-2021, 06:47 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: My angels

I am so sorry. It sounds like Amora had pyometra. Which is a womb infection. Sadly this is something that some female hamsters can get. It is nothing you have done, and the outcome is usually not good. You tried your best by having her spayed, but the infection does go on to still cause issues sometimes. Remi sounds like he had a good life but got older, and something always starts to fail when they get older. If it isn't tumours, it is kidney, heart or liver failure. It is the sad thing of ageing and when they really need our care more. It's hard to think there is nothing we can do. At least Remi passed at home, where he was loved, and in his own familiar environment.

Our hamsters don't live very long. A year of our life is about 40 of theirs, so a two year old hamster is very old - about 80 in human years.

On the positive side, I find it interesting and nice that we see their whole life span stretch out before us. In a short space of time. From being naughty babies, to terrible teens, to confident middle age. I think the nicest age is when they're about a year old, when they're still very fit and active, but more mellow and confident and less skitty - and also very familiar with us. But from 18 months on, or even a bit earlier sometimes, they start the ageing process, and anything can happen from then on.

Old age and them passing is very sad, and a loss to us. But for them it is their time - they are tired and ready to go. And all we can do is help them by giving them love and comfort or taking them to the vets if they are in pain.

I think maybe you need another baby hamster in your life. To remind you of the joy they can bring and to get past the sadness.
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