Thread: Rodney
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Old 03-30-2021, 07:26 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
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Default Re: Rodney

Originally Posted by NibblesTheHam View Post
Aw, he's really cute! You allow you hamsters to climb on each other's cages? Isn't it stressful for them to be in such close quarters with each other?
That depends on whose cage it is and what its occupant is doing. I'm always closeby watching. This cage belongs to Edwina who was underground at the time and she's a hamster who doesn't climb herself.
If/when Rodney attempts to venture onto Edwina's neighbour Clarissa's cage it's a different matter altogether and Rodney gets picked off immediately. Clarissa is tiny, very territorial, climbs at speed and appears from nowhere. She'd bite his toe off before he'd even become aware of her.

Five of our hamsters live in the spare room so they must be aware of each other and used to each others smell. Only one reacts to the presence of other hamsters. Clarissa. She gets very jealous when another hamster runs around on the floor and does everything she can to get attention. Races around, monkey bars, bites the bars where we can see her even if she's been out of her cage for ages just before the free roaming hamster. She's fine when everybody else is in their cage too.

They share the hall hamster playground (not at the same time of course) so again, are used to each others scents. There is a good deal of sniffing going on, true enough.
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