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Old 01-21-2021, 05:29 AM  
Hamster Addict
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Default Re: Should I separate my Roborovskis?

I don't have Robos, but with Russian Dwarf Hybrids it is absolutely imperative to separate them and have totally separate living arrangements for each hamster as they can exhibit extremely aggressive behaviour towards each other, which can begin at any time, even if they appear to be getting along fine.

The aggressive behaviour can range from more mild displays of dominance where one hamster chases the other around or denies the less dominant one access to food, water or toys, to far more vicious physical fighting which sadly could result in injury or even death to one of the hamsters. It is not that they are being mean to each other out of spite but rather due to the solitary and territorial instincts which they would have followed if they were living in the wild.

I would seriously look into giving them separate living arrangements as soon as you can.
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