Thread: Guinea pig bite
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Old 01-16-2021, 04:39 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jan 2021
Location: NL, Canada
Posts: 48
Default Guinea pig bite

Hey everyone, so this summer I got a guinea pig and had her for a month before she started biting me for no reason. I've asked pet store workers and many other people yet no one seemed to understand. She did it once and I left her alone a while then she bit and bit and bit. It was aggressive biting and I had to wear gloves to pick her up or to give her food. She never seemed to sleep. I stayed up really late and even with the house completely quiet, she wouldn't sleep. Then at sone point she just lay down in her cage and she would stay there. She barely ate and whenever I would take something out of her cage or put aomething in her cage, she would bite so I had to wear gloves. Eventually she passed but to this day I'm still questioning what she had.
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