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Old 01-13-2021, 11:02 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
Posts: 7,103
Default Re: Ozzy the Lucky Dip hamster

Well, i've tried again and left the hall hamster playground up till way after midnight when the reclusive Ozzy got up, put a treat in his mug and he walked in then put him down in the playground.
He sat in his mug for a while then came out so slowly that my OH thought there's something wrong with his backlegs, sniffed around briefly and then crawled under the blanket and sat there.
He's not scared, doesn't bite, i can stroke him and scoop him up but he was not excited to be out of his cage and never ever has been.
I don't want him to miss out so try on the odd occasion to see if he's changed his mind but not our Ozzy.
I put him back in his Hamster Heaven and he just sat there looking then dived down the nearest tunnel again.
When i don't try to interact with him and only watch him, he runs on his wheels, over his bridges and works up to quite a sprint.
He's always been oblivious to anything happening outside his habitat or simply doesn't care. Ozzy comes out during the day sometimes to forage around like a hamster on a mission but has never been seen anywhere near his door, climbing, meerkating, bar chewing or monkey baring like the other hamsters do.

He's a big, fluffy dwarf who like little dwarf Edwina has changed coat colour and looks almost like his own ghost now having turned almost white.

I wonder if anybody else has a hamster who just wants to be.

I guess, he's a hamster happy in his own company within his own four walls and doesn't want or need anything else.
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