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Old 10-03-2020, 10:39 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 1
Default Advice Needed! Bad Mother hamster, what do I do?

So I adopted 2 Chinese dwarf hamsters, which I thought were boys. Turns out one of them is a girl. As soon as I noticed, I separated them but the girl was pregnant and gave birth to a litter. She ate them before 24 hours even passed. I was kinda shocked.

But after the incident I cleaned the cage, I found that both my hamsters are a little depressed. They don't move around much as opposed to when they are together and they try to out-run each other on the wheel. They really liked each other so I let them have an hour 'play-time' together every once in a while. Turns out I'm a bad chaperone and the girl was pregnant again.

Last night she gave birth. I know because I hear squeaking noises, like the first time, even though the nest is pretty secluded. I can't even see the entrance. I kept the room shady and silent. This morning and afternoon I still hear squeaking noises. But now in the evening there is no noise, and I think I see a baby corpse outside the nest.

What should I do? Do I leave the hamster alone with her potential babies? Has she eaten them? Do I remove her and hand feed the babies?
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