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Old 09-30-2020, 01:57 AM  
Dwarf whisperer
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Default Re: First hamster newbie!

She looks adorable, lovely ham!
4 days is still very early for her to be settling in so I would give her a while, at least a week before disturbing her at all.
She will probably start to come out earlier as she settles in or depending what time you wake up you might even find her still out & about when you get up.
Even though she was so brave the first day I would still go slow with her, spend lots of time just gently talking to her even when she’s in her nest so she gets used to your voice & just being around the cage.
Once she’s had more time to settle in you could try very gently rustling the substrate close to her house then leave her a nice treat or some fresh veg so she can associate the sound of you being around with some nice tasty reward. If she does come out then try offering a treat through the bars then move on from there.
Don’t do any cleaning for the first couple of weeks, after that if you find where she pees then just spot clean the pee, you shouldn’t need to do more than that for some time.
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