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Old 09-14-2020, 01:59 PM  
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Default Re: Syrian suddenly more aggressive, and I may have lost her trust?

Hello and welcome to the forum,

Im so sorry you have been having quite an upsetting and stressful time with Dio , and your first, it certainly must feel like you are to blame.

It sounds like she was quite anxious and nervous before the container so I doubt you keeping your hand on top would have made a difference.

It sounds like she is very cage terratorial also, what kind of set up is she in?

I and many others, often don't do any cleaning for a few weeks when first getting a hamster. This allows them to scent and become familiar and comfortable in their surroundings.

It's also true that some hamsters dont like being handled much. However, even when ive had ones like this, I always ensure I get them to a level where they can be picked up and allow for health checks. I don't tolerate biting in my house so Im quick to .. NIP that in the bud!

For the biting, often letting out a high pitched squeak is helpful. It's like "speaking" hamster language. Also, ensure you have washed your hands without anything terrible at scoffing some doritoes and just brushing my hands on my leg and going in for a pet lol

With the cage, it may help to take some things out and gradually introduce them. Id be focusing on taming and bonding right now.
You could also scatter feed. This not only encourages foraging but removes another "stress point" in the area if she is hissing when you go near the bowl,

Keep us updated and please dont give up yet,

much love
Feel free to ask me about rat advice too

Last edited by Amethyst_ice; 09-14-2020 at 02:41 PM.
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