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Old 06-23-2020, 09:54 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 3
Default Hamster bites at everything

Almost two weeks ago I got my new Russian dwarf hamster, who’s around twelve weeks old. It’s my first Russian dwarf, as I had a Syrian before, who very sadly passed away. With my first hamster, it took us months to bond, he was very shy and skittish, but he never was much of a biter, he only bit me once in his life which was my fault. My new hamster though, bites at absolutely everything. I’m only just starting to introduce myself to him, but it’s much harder than my last experience since all he wants to do is bite. I’ve tried handling him with gloves but he just bites at them until he’s almost nicking my fingers underneath. I sometimes take him out in a small hamster proof room, and he’ll just sit and bite the carpet, or the wall, or furniture. I have to armour myself with thick socks, long sleeved sweater and thick pants, or else he’ll bite me. He’s not shy, he doesn’t run away from me or hide, he’ll climb up on to me, but only to try and bite me. He started biting at my sock and wouldn’t let go, then climbed under my thigh and was just about to chomp before I pulled away. By all means he should be a happy hamster, he has a 1,200 square feet enclosure, plenty of toys, a wheel, the right food, but yet he’s still very bitey. When I first got him, the woman selling him told me he was very aggressive and had to be separated early from his siblings as he kept trying to hurt them, so maybe that should have been my first warning. Is there any hope to get him to stop biting? I know it’ll probably take time, but I’m a wuss and it’s difficult to sit with him and attempt to bond when all he wants to do is bite me. Does anyone know how to get him to stop, have you ever experienced a hamster like this before? I’ve never known one to just bite for the sake of it, he’s very outgoing and definitely not shy, I make a habit to never smell of food when I’m with him, so I don’t know what could be causing it.
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