Thread: Fitch VS Kaytee
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Old 03-30-2020, 12:24 PM  
Hamster Addict
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Default Re: Fitch VS Kaytee

I've used fitch, carefresh, kaytee clean and cosy and aubiose.

Aubiose was great for my hams and helped with the smell especially with my one female Syrian. Downside is it appears I'm potentially allergic to it.

Kaytee is nice and soft, not great odour control, holds tunnels ok but compacts down real quickly. Doesn't stay fluffy and is expensive really.

Carefresh is like kaytee but a tad harder and will hold tunnels well. Better odour control than kaytee and doesn't compact down anywhere near as much as kaytee. Some batches smell chemically or generally nasty.

Fitch is in between kaytee and carefresh. Mix of soft and harder bits. Odour control is good and holds tunnels well. Doesn't compact down as much as kaytee. It doesn't have a chemical smell. I got a 10kg bale today and very pleased with it. No smell, consistent pieces hamsters are burrowing mad after weeks of little bedding as I couldn't get any up until now. I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for paper bedding. So far the best I've found and the rescue I got Lilith from recommend it as they also use it
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