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Old 03-26-2020, 02:07 AM  
Hamster Addict
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Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,010
Default Re: New Hamster Owner Questions

Congratulations on your new hamster! You sound like a very caring owner which is excellent! I'm sure Hamilton will have a great life with you.

I've found that each hamster has their own personal preference regarding toys. It is a bit of a trial-and-error process to find what they like. For example, my one hamster has a seesaw bridge which he absolutely loves. He plays on it, sleeps on it, even takes food onto it to eat. Thinking that the others would also like it, I got a similar toy for my other two and neither of them went near it.

The same goes for tubes, flying saucers, balls... some like them and some ignore them completely.

They do all like a variety of hides to sleep under, so I'd provide as many as I could and they love deep substrate too in order to burrow in.

Providing some wood chews and some Whimzees is also a good idea. They need to have access to something to gnaw on to keep their teeth from growing too much. I've found that sometimes they will ignore their wood chews for months and suddenly begin chewing which is when they reach the point that they need to.

Best of luck and welcome to the forum.
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