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Old 02-16-2020, 05:30 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Cushings and Treatment

I hope it isn't as well. The majority of vets can't do the diagnosis and wouldn't know about prescribing vetoryl. Even then it depends on the type of Cushings - Vetoryl is only for one type (there is the type from the pituitary glands and a different type from the adrenal glands - it could also be a caused by a tumour on the adrenal glands). So there is only one type that Vetoryl helps.

I think one way to look at it is, that as hammies get older they do develop some kind of disease usually - their organs start to fail and often the kidneys can be first. But they can live their lives reasonably comfortably. If you see signs of suffering like a lot of sores or just generally they seem in pain, then that is the time to think about possibly helping them on their way if there is no treatment. Another common symptom of Cushings is a pot belly. It isn't just fur loss. Just give him lots of tlc and see how he goes.
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