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Old 02-13-2020, 07:56 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 8
Default Re: Help with adding variety to harry hamster mix


A lot of hamster mixes are great for hamsters you just have to look carefully for the best and most nutritional ones The mixes that have more of a dull colour are probably best because they are the most natural and healthy for the hamster.
However the foods on your list are also really good for the hamster. Try not to give your hammy too much veg as it if there is too much in one go it can give them a bad stomach. Carrots are also full of sugar I wouldn't recommend you include that because dwarf hamsters are more prone to diabetes compared to Syrian hamsters so try and include more dark green veg. Hammy's absolutely love broccoli! Although seeds are good and nutritious for your hamster they are also quite fattening so try not to include many of these either.
As for the meal worms, these are a treat really as they are so fattening to don't include many of these even though they are a good protein source. Although brown rice doesn't really have any nutritional benefits to Hamsters it should be okay give them some but only little bits at a time.
Oats should be given in tiny tiny amounts as it can harm hammy's digestive system if they eat too much.

I hope this helps and good luck!!
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